The novel coronavirus, COVID, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID is extremely contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. As a result, federal, state, and local governments and federal and state health agencies recommend social distancing and have, in many locations, prohibited the congregation of groups of people.
While racquet sports can be played while practicing social distancing, we encourage all participants to be leaders in demonstrating best practices for physical distancing and respect for the health and well-being of others. Please follow protocols for safe and healthy practices while participating in our events: • We recommend that everyone use hand sanitizer for frequent use, on and off the court. • At the completion of your match, tap racquets with your opponent instead of shaking hands • Spectators should maintain physical distancing (6 ft apart) while watching the matches. • When not playing, wear masks or face coverings in the event areas. Furthermore, please consider the following statements prior to participating and do not participate if you do not agree with one or more of these statements: 1. I (or my child/ren) are currently not sick, nor have been in the past 14 days, or displaying COVID-19 or any other flu-like symptoms which may include: fever, cough, shortness of breath and/or difficulty breathing. If this changes I will not attend Sierra Junior Tennis Association events. 2. I (or my child/ren) understand the importance of thoroughly washing my hands, practicing social distancing, the recommendation of wearing a mask or face covering to assist in the safety of myself and others. 3. I (or my child/ren) understand that no list of restrictions, guidelines or practices will remove 100% of the risk of exposure to COVID as the virus can be transmitted by persons who are asymptomatic and before some people show signs of infection.
In consideration for my (or my child) being permitted to use the Zephyr Cove Tennis Club tennis courts, facilities, and services (collectively, the “ZCTC”), I acknowledge that it is not without risk. I agree that the Zephyr Cove Tennis Club Foundation and Douglas County (collectively, the “Host”) and the Host’s heirs, agents, employees, or assigns will not be held liable for injury, illness, accident, emergency, death or other related problems arising from using the ZCTC. I also agree to hold the Host and its heirs, agents, employees, or assigns harmless in the event I (and/or my child) suffer personal property theft, damage, or loss while using the ZCTC. While using the ZCTC, I acknowledge that I (and/or my child) am expected to be in normal health and am willing to be responsible for my own actions. While the Host has taken reasonable precautions, I recognize and acknowledge that using the ZCTC is not risk-free. I acknowledge that my (and/or my child’s) use of the ZCTC constitutes an awareness, acceptance, and assumption of these risks.